Monday, May 24, 2010

Hello everyone!

Well, we're just plugging along down here. We've had some bad weather and much needed rain. But all is well now. We may get more rain today sometimes.
We've picked our first zucchini and cucumbers. I'm having them for supper tonight.. I'm going to fry the zucchini.. Looking forward to it...We'll have green beans in a week or so.
What are all your plans for Memorial Day? We're going to Atlanta to stay with Sandra and kids. Chelsea and Adam are in the Dacula parade on Memorial Day and we will watching that. We're excite to see that. Adam's dad always heads up the parade and he puts a lot of work into it and it's always very nice.
We watched Lacey and Haley last week, Candace's girls. She had the 3 days of work left and they were already out. We took them swimming one day and fishing the next. We went to oldest son's place where he has a nice huge pond on the property. It's loaded with fish and they caught about 22 pan fish in less than 2 hours. They had a great time as did we. I just watched, Royce fished with the girls..We had a fish fry on Friday night with Danny and Bennie, they were very good fish.
My friend Patty in Centerburg, OH has an 8 month old grandchild in the hospital. He had to have surgery on his little ear as he had an ear infection that had gotten progressively worse. they had to operate and put tubes in for the infection in order for it to drain. Please pray for little Cody.
Everyone have a great holiday and be safe!
Love, blessings and hugs to everyone.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Do you believe it is the middle of May already. The year is almost half over!!
How is everyone doing? We are fine and just plugging along and trying to get used to the hot weather that is going on. It is starting to get pretty toasty in S.E. Georgia. We've had some 90 degree days already.
We took a long bike ride yesterday. Of course like dummies we didn't start out until one o'clock and the sun was bearing down! My arms and knees are pretty pink... Royce who is dark anyway is nice and brown. It doesn't get to him like it does me. We rode about 110 miles round trip. We just explore small towns and see what's in there...We stopped at his sister Ellen's and visited with them for awhile...We enjoy riding and seeing different areas and places, and people....We always get a lot of attention with the trike. People are always giving us a thumbs up or when we are stopped questions are generally asked about the trike. He is always complimented on how pretty the trike is...
Today I will be harvesting the kale we planted. I have about 8 plants which will bring a nice harvest. They are really good sized. I will clean them good and then blanch and freeze them. I have already picked the red leaf lettuce I planted, it's really good. It keeps really well and of course I share.
Prayers are needed for my dear and oldest friends, Kathy and Jerry Taylor. They lost their son this past week. He was 44 years old. They are taking it pretty hard which is certainly understandable. I believe he had a heart attack. He had been visiting his cousin in Florida and was in the hotel room and passed on. Please pray for these parents that God will give them understanding, peace and comfort them. For all of you who reads this, please understand that there is no answer to the question why. When you are in the fire, God is there with you to comfort you and carry you through. Always!!!
Well, take care of yourselves dear friends and family and be blessed.
Love and prayers for all of you.

Friday, May 7, 2010

TGIF Happy Friday!

Hey everyone!!
Check out the pictures! I'm posting the pict. of the garden and the new golf cart. Well, it's not brand new, but it looks it. It's very clean! I've driven it twice and I just love it. It's so much fun and I will get many hours of enjoyment out of it.
The garden is really growing. Notice the nice fence Royce put around it.
Enjoy your day and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Mid week!!!

How is everyone doing? I wanted to check in with all of you and let you know what's going on here.
We've had a lot of rain for one. Therefore, the garden is coming on and growing like gang busters. It's unbelievable how much it has all grown. The tomatoes all have blossoms on the, the yellow squash is blossoming as well.
Candace and I changed the shack around today, we totally rearranged it. Moved the tables around and just did an over haul. It looks like a lot more space and we have more floor room as well. We both really like it and are adjusting to it slowly but surely.
I made a few cards today and wanted to share them with you. The group of four is made from the Hello Birdie kit that is in the Close To My Heart catalog. Enjoy the pictures and enjoy the rest of the evening.
On another note, Candace bought me a book shelf to go in the shack and Royce is building us each two shelves to put on the wall for our cricuit cartridges. We are very pleased.
Happy Mother's Day everyone!!
Take care, everyone and be blessed.