Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hello friends and family!

Checking in with everyone and seeing how your all doing...Many, many blessings to you all.
Well, I've been single for two days and half of tomorrow. Royce went to the lake with his friend Larry. They had a lot of chores to do at the house and on the boat. I guess they've been quite busy. Royce was full of good spirits and happy sounding when I talked to him earlier. He always has good time with Larry, they are truy very good friends. I'm happy and proud for them both. You know it's a very special thing to have a good friend you can sharetime with..

I've been in the shack today. I made some really cute fall cards, my first 10 for this season. I will make some more tomorrow. I made my first Christmas card today. I'm trying to get my ideas together and get started on them. I will probably make around 200. I make some for two family members plus I have an order for 45 already. I need to get started. Some of one's I'm making for myself will be very complicated and time consuming. It's amazing, I used to be afraid to make the complicated ones. But not any more.

Enjoy the pictures of the fall cards I made today. They were truly easy and very fun to make.

Be blessed everyone!!

Love and prayers!


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